February 2014 Professional Development – Introduction to Alzheimer’s Disease

On February 20th, please join Metaphrasis and guest speaker, Daniel Kuhn, LCSW, from Rainbow Hospice and Palliative Care, for an informative professional development event on Alzheimer’s Disease and other related dementias. Participants will gain valuable knowledge on chronic brain disorders, which affect millions of people each year. For more information and to register, please see below.

*Continuing Education Units (CEUs)  are currently pending approval

Register Now!
Register in advance and save! Cost at the door for non-registered attendees is $40.

The session will differentiate between reversible and irreversible forms of dementia, review cognitive assessment tools, and explain symptoms, stages, treatment, and risk reduction strategies. The special role of families and typical challenges they face over the course of dementia will be highlighted.

Learning Objectives:

1. Participants will be exposed to concepts and language when discussing chronic brain disorders, allowing for better understanding of the topic while engaged in interpreting sessions.

2. Participants will gain knowledge about different forms of dementias including diagnosis, treatment, and ongoing care.

3. Participants will increase awareness about the psychosocial impact of dementia on individuals and their families.

4. Participants will develop communication skills to be used with individuals who have dementia.

In preparation for February’s session and to learn even more about Alzheimer’s Disease, check out Daniel Kuhn’s book, “Alzheimer’s Early Stages: First Steps for Family, Friends, and Caregivers”.