Are you in need of short-term language support staff? Metaphrasis is here to help with your temporary staffing needs! Our linguists are qualified working professionals ready to help your organization on projects of all sizes. Once you provide us with the language and range for your project, we will find an interpreter who is a perfect match for your organization based on their specialization, skills, and experience. Our languages include, Spanish, Arabic, Polish, Mandarin, and many more.
Our interpreters will improve communication throughout your company. Call us at 815-464-1423 to find out how you can receive the temporary interpreting services you need for your organization to thrive!
Just a few examples of the many ways our interpreters and translation experts can help your company:
You have a series of Human Resources trainings with one or more LEP employees
You are hosting international guests for a conference
You have an LEP patient with a long series of appointments
You are a lawyer working on a legal case with a client over an extended period
You are a school administrator or teacher and have multiple IEP meetings or parent-teacher conferences
PLUS, so many more industries with short-term needs!