How Schools Can Empower Their Community With Language Services

In the United States, where 1 in 5 individuals now speak a language other than English at home, schools encounter significant language barriers. Metaphrasis is devoted to working with ethnically and culturally diverse populations and we believe at our core, that Everyone Deserves to Be Understood.

Schools Need Professional Interpreting and Document Translation

As school populations grow more ethnically and culturally diverse, the importance of document translation and interpreting services to overcome communication challenges grows as well.

In some areas with language diversity, communication challenges are felt by both sides: First, by parents who must cope with an environment where they aren’t fluent in the primary language; and second, by the school, which attempts to keep parents informed of the significant events in their children’s school life — no matter what language they might speak.

Thankfully, both interpreting and translation can be applied to nearly all types of school communications: in person meetings, report cards, permission slips, event invitations, school notices and more. Each of these forms of communication provides parents with valuable information, which can have serious consequences if it is misunderstood or misinterpreted.

Enhance Communication and Cultivate Relationships

With Metaphrasis as your interpreting and translation partner, cultivating a strong relationship with your school community can be that much simpler. Our school interpreters can enhance a family’s experience in a language they understand and provide the resources your staff requires. This will ultimately increase the quality of parent engagements, ensure a rich and fruitful learning environment, and help your organization comply with federal regulations.

How Metaphrasis Can Partner With Schools

Here are just a few ways we enhance communication and a family’s experience through the use of professional foreign language translations, interpreting, American Sign Language, trainings and professional development:

  • Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings
  • Parent teacher conferences
  • Counseling sessions
  • Enrollment
  • In-class student support services
  • American Sign Language (ASL) interpreting
  • Written communications including consent forms and assessments
  • Professional development

If you want to learn more about how to bridge cultural divides in your school community and create stronger ties with students and their parents, contact us and let’s get started!

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