Multilingual Marketing – Reach More Customers With Your Message
News,Interpreting,Language Services,Translation
June 14, 2017
Your clients, customers & audiences may need you to make more effort…in language that is. When marketing, there’s a natural expectation that organizations will make an effort to understand the language & cultural differences among various customer populations, countries & cultures. Are you overlooking this important aspect of marketing? Let's Get In Touch!
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When Should I Bring an Interpreter to a Meeting?
News,Interpreting,Language Services,Translation
June 8, 2017
When to Bring an Interpreter to a Meeting Having an interpreter at a business meeting can prove to be a huge asset when you are conducting business with international clients and business prospects. So, when is it appropriate to provide an interpreter to help you conduct business more effectively? When you’re dealing with partners or prospective customers that do not speak your language…
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Medical Interpreter Training Program-Summer 2017
May 24, 2017
Medical Interpreter Training Program-Summer Schedule-2017 July 22-23, Aug 12-13, Aug 26-27 (weekend schedule) Hours: 8:30 am until 5:00 pm For more information, please submit an inquiry form which can be accessed at or call 815-464-1423.
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Seeking Interpreters to Add to Metaphrasis Team
May 12, 2017
We Are Hiring!We are seeking language professionals to join our team. If you have the ability and passion for providing superior service in everything you do, with a smile, and are inspired by the understanding of others, then we want to hear from you! Below is the current list of specific languages we are seeking to add to our team: Italian Polish Russian Bosnian Vietnamese Greek Farsi…
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Does Your Company Speak Human?
News,Newsletter,Interpreting,Language Services,Translation
April 18, 2017
Language and culture don’t have to divide us…Because there is a language that we all share: compassion, laughter, struggles, love, a need to belong. Even when we don’t share an understanding of words, we can connect through customs, cuisine, and creativity. “Speaking human” allows us to reap the benefits of living in a diverse society. Experiencing other cultures through food and the arts…
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Marketing to Hispanics
News,Interpreting,Language Services,Translation
March 17, 2017
Your clients, customers and audiences may need you to make more effort…in language that is. When working internationally, there’s a natural expectation that organizations will make an effort to understand the language and cultural differences among various countries and cultures. But within the U.S., linguistic and cultural differences are often overlooked—most notably, the fast-growing U.S.…
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Everybody Wins When You Choose to Go Local!
Interpreting,Language Services,Translation
February 9, 2017
Today’s business partnerships are about efficiency, best value and bottom line. Many interpret that to mean the lower the price, the better the partnership. We are here to tell you, that’s not always the case! When faced with a buying decision in translation or interpreting, “going local” can mean better efficiency, value and better bottom line. Here’s why. There are far-reaching advantages to…
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Planning Your Language Services Strategy for 2017
News,Interpreting,Language Services,Translation
October 20, 2016
Language services shouldn’t be just another check box on your list of to-dos when planning for 2017. Taking the time to think through a language services strategy now will help you work smarter and be more cost effective in the year to come. When a seemingly mere translation slipup equals thousands of products pulled from the shelves, millions of dollars in lost revenue, wasted efforts and…
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Creative Partnerships Result In Patient Benefit: Norwegian American Hospital & Metaphrasis Interpreter Program
Case Studies,News,Interpreting
June 10, 2016
Professional language services company, Metaphrasis Language & Cultural Solutions, and Norwegian American Hospital have recently collaborated to create a unique solution that benefits both entities as well as the community. In the medical world, language barriers can create problems for both patients and providers. For patients, language and communication influences how…
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You Get What You Pay For – Part II
News,Industry Tidbits,Interpreting
March 16, 2016
In our previous post, You Get What You Pay For Part I, we discussed the price-driven trend many have fallen into when selecting a language service partner. Metaphrasis is trying to change this discussion by highlighting all of the complexities that go into quality language services. It is important to understand when working with a professional company what determines the price and what value…
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